Spring into the Garden!

March 2nd, 2023

With March’s mostly chilly days, it’s hard to believe that spring actually begins on March 20. Despite the cold temps, the spring thaw is just around the corner – and that means garden time. Fine Gardening suggests that there’s plenty to do now to give your garden the best possible start once the weather turns milder Read More...

Gardening Hacks

July 5th, 2022

It’s gardening season. Time to cultivate a lush landscape, bountiful veggie crop or fantastic flower bed. If you have a black thumb instead of a green one, or if doing anything in the garden is cause for concern, here’s help! These gardening hacks from comedy.com can help you get growing using creative ideas and ordinary household items Read More...

Get Growing!

April 12th, 2022

Spring is here --  and that means it’s time to get you’re your hands in the dirt and prepare to grow your favorite garden delights. Whether you prefer flowers or veggies, these 10 Gardening Tips from Garden Design will help assure a bountiful harvest. The tips cover seed starting, pruning, planting bed preparation, and other cleaning and planning must-dos Read More...

Veggies to Plant in September

September 14th, 2021

The end of summer doesn’t mean the end of gardening. In fact, September is the perfect time to sow plants that can contribute to your good health and your taste for the exotic. We’re talking dark leafy greens, many of the Asian variety. The slightly cooler September temperatures are ideal for Chinese kale, a plant that can be an alternative to broccoli Read More...

5 Easy Garden Upgrades

July 20th, 2021

Although it’s almost mid-summer, it’s not too  late to create a backyard garden space that’s as beautiful as it is relaxing. Check out this quick video from Beth Allen, owner of DIY Hip Chicks. She offers 5 ways to upgrade your backyard on a budget. Ideas include defining the spaces that are important to your family, like a grilling station, herb garden or seating, and creating a focal point or maybe a garden path Read More...

Spring Gardening Tips

April 15th, 2021

Spring has sprung and that means gardeners are dreaming of summer blooms and fresh veggie harvests. Now’s the time to plan and prep for warm weather color, scents and tastes. Gardening experts Thompson and Morgan offer these Top 10 Tips to prepare your garden, including ordering seeds and bulbs, tidying up flower beds, removing garden pests, moving dormant shrubs and more Read More...

Getting Fit for Fall Cleanup

December 2nd, 2020

Yes, the headline is correct.  You need to be in good shape to survive fall cleanup. That’s because lifting pumpkins, raking leaves, and other autumnal activities can be tough on your body, especially your lower back. Now’s the time to stretch and strengthen those muscles. The Philadelphia Inquirer offers these top tips for staying seasonally safe, with instructions from personal trainer and wellness coach Ashley B Read More...

Raised-Bed Gardening

June 16th, 2020

Backyard vegetable gardening is the latest rage! But if you don’t want to tackle tilling, planting and weeding a full-blown mini farm, a raised-bed garden is the perfect solution. It’s surprisingly easy to accomplish and you’ll love the experience of watching your little sprouts grow into incredible edibles Read More...

The Dreaded SLFs!

September 19th, 2019

The Spotted Lantern Flies are back for another season of terrorizing our local area. Although beautiful in some ways, they are a destructive, invasive pest that threaten many crops and plants, especially fruit trees, grapevines, hops, hardwoods and ornamentals.  These pests can also cause a foul odor, which develops as the SLFs feed on trees and excrete a sugary substance, sometimes called honeydew Read More...

September in the Garden

September 12th, 2019

Summer is over and much of the weeding in hot, sticky weather is behind you.  September is the perfect time to actually enjoy working in your garden! Add gorgeous colors with fall foliage trees or shrubs featuring colorful autumn leaves.  Or, plant chrysanthemums, marigolds, white alyssum, nasturtium, pansies and snapdragons,  flowering kale and flowering cabbage to create a rainbow of shades and brilliant hues Read More...