Keep Your Cool!

May 26th, 2017

You know it’s coming. That summer heat wave that makes you melt – either because you don’t have central AC, or you can’t handle the cost of turning it on. Chill out! There are other ways to keep your house cool.

Try a buckwheat pillow, for example. The hulls create a cooling airspace that helps dissipate body heat. Or, set the ceiling fan blades to turn counter clockwise. That creates a wind-chill breeze effect. These and other tips and tricks are offered by Samantha Toscano, writing for, 12 Brilliant Ways To Keep Your Home Cool Without Air Conditioning.

Still need the comfort of an air conditioner to stave off the hot and muggies? Tessa Miller, writing for LifeHack, details new technologies that can keep you feeling cool as a cucumber while also putting exorbitant energy bills in the deep freeze. Take a look, make yourself a nice cup of iced tea, and map your strategy for being the coolest kid in your neighborhood!

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